IBA Bucuresti
Project: PROVIDE - PRotein and biOmolecules sources for nutritional security and biodiVersity of bakery products in a cIrcular fooD system
Contract no. 184/2020
Contractor: National Research and Development Institute for Food Bioresources – IBA Bucharest
Contracting authority: UEFISCDI
Implementation period: 02.11.2020 – 01.11.2023
Budget: 822.800 lei
Objective: The overall aim is to promote circularity in the agrifood systems, fostering the sustainability of production and consumption and supporting the valorization of otherwise wasted by-products, thus reducing food losses significantly. This will be based on “green” innovation processes, which will use also material from organic products and therefore the resulting new products can be marketed “organic”.
Specific objectives:
OBJ1: identify by-products rich in nutrients and bioactives and investigate their nutritional profile;
OBJ2: valorize wastes and by-products and increase the efficiency and sustainability of conventional technological processes usable during bakery production;
OBJ3: promote circular Food Systems and models for Responsible Research and Innovation;
OBJ4: define strategies to put the newly developed products into the market, facilitate technology transfer and promote consumer.
Project manager: Conf. dr. Nastasia BELC