
Methods for reducing food waste on the agri-food chain, at national level, in order to prevent and reduce the socio-economic impact, until 2030


Sectoral plan of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development ADER 2019 - 2022
Project: "Methods for reducing food waste on the agri-food chain, at national level, in order to prevent and reduce the socio-economic impact, until 2030" ADER 18.1.2.
General objective 18: Sustainable growth of domestic food production
Specific objective 18.1 .: Evaluation and optimization of consumption of resources - water and energy - in order to obtain food products

The immediate objectives of the project
OB1. Knowledge of the evolution of the food waste phenomenon in Romania, from the perspective of the dynamics with respect to 2016 and of the evolution trend, in the context of the regulations in force.
OB2. The foundation of some public policies for the prevention and reduction of the socio-economic impact by 2030, updating the legislation, education, information and awareness policies, etc.

The current project assumes an impact analysis process on the various stages of the food chain, both in terms of waste generation in both primary production and industrial processing, but also in the public food or household consumption system. It has the role of creating a diachronic picture of the food waste phenomenon in Romania, also monitoring the impact of some of the administrative measures taken in the last 4 years. At the same time, the project will propose a number of technical-economic scenarios for reducing food waste throughout the food chain, making an ex-ante evaluation of these scenarios as an estimate of the costs associated with implementing some of the successful scenarios.
The results of the impact research will be processed with high performance systems for data management and interpretation (SPSS), generating predictable models including the trend, under the conditions of maintaining this behavior.
Another direction is the development of a complex package of information and awareness of all relevant actors of the food chain on the trends of food waste in the current context, as well as on the possible scenarios to reduce it in the perspective of 2030.
This will involve relevant stakeholders in the field of primary production, industrial food processing, but also in the horeca field as well as consumer groups.
Together with them will be defined the areas of market research, the most appropriate tools for each target group, as well as the way of dissemination of results.

Project manager Dumitru Oana