IBA Bucuresti
The financing contract No. 57/05.09.2017 <cod SMIS2014+ 105509> „Valorisation of expertise in agro-food research through knowledge transfer to the private food sector in order to obtain safe and optimized nutritional food, Expertal”
SUBSIDIARY CONTRACTS - research-development and innovation services for the enterprise by the research organisation No. 15,16, 17,18,19/28.08.2017
Project type: Partnership for knowledge transfer; Type C Activities
Activity C4 - Quality labelling services, testing and quality certification provided by the research organisation
Contracting authority: Ministry of Research and Innovation
Total budget: 82566.5 Lei, respectively, 10 244,41/ 24 968,58/ 12 164,33/ 6 401,59/ 28 787,59 lei/contract.
Specific objectives:
- Analysis of the legal requirments on the labelling of Food nutrition information
- Establishing the methodology for the application of the methods for determining the nutrients required for labelling
- Application of chemical methods for selected foods and the establishment of the presentation of data on the label with nutritional information
Project Manager: Marta Zachia