IBA Bucuresti
Project: Risk assessment of mycotoxin (deoxynivalenol) contamination in annual production of wheat in Romania
Contract no. ADER 8.1.1.
Period: 14.11.2011–20.12.2014.
Total budget: 954,189.8 lei (Budget of IBA: 869,441.8 lei).
Contractant Authorities:
- Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MADR), 08.2013–12.2014.
- Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences "Gheorghe Ionescu Şişeşti" (ASAS), 11.2011–08.2013.
Contractor: National R&D Institute for Food Bioresources—IBA Bucharest.
Partner:National Administration of Meteorology—METEO Romania, Bucharest.
General objectiv:
Evaluation of cereal crop contamination with deoxynivalenol (DON) mycotoxin under the influence of agroclimatic condition from Romania, in the agricultural period 2012–2014.
Specific objectives:
O1. An integrated approach (analytic control, grain varieties, climate change, hydrological conditions and geographical location) to control deoxynivalenol incidence in the grain crops and reduce contamination in the food and feed chains.
O2. DON incidence and level in the cereal crops (2829 samples – varieties of common wheat, durum wheat, triticale, and rye) in 3 consecutive agricultural years, period 2012‒2014, in Romania.
O3. Characterization of climatic factors (monthly mean of rainfall, temperature, winter harshness – cold and frost indexes; spring index, heat index, groundwater), registered by 90 stations in the synoptic meteorological network of Romania, in the agricultural period 2012‒2014.
O4. Interdisciplinary research in mycotoxins, agriculture, agrometeorology, climatology and soils, and the development of deoxynivalenol and agrometeorological data integration in GIS 4;
O5. Geo-referenced database (DON‒CLIM) (2012‒2014) for risk areas contaminated with deoxynivalenol - organizing and interpreting DON - climate database with 41 counties, 6 agricultural areas and Romania.
Project director: CS III, Dr. Valeria Gagiu.