Core Program - PN 12 48
Project: Research on performing methods for analyzing the Triticum aestivum quality and authenticity - project pn 12 48 01 11
Phase 1 (07.10.2015 – 10.12.2015) Triticum aestivum characterization for quality and authenticity
Budget: 139.470 LEI
General objective: Researches in order to describe and characterize Triticum aestivum, using molecular biology techniques, to determine its quality and authenticity, for the safety of foods obtained by processing cereals.
Specific objectives:
- In situ analysis of wheat genome
- Markers selection
- Testing and optimizing markers that can be used to specific DNA
- Biostatistical analysis of data obtained from molecular analysis of samples.
Short description:
The project addressed aspects related to the influence of the wheat species on the bakery qualities of food products, the importance and the opportunity to discover their authenticity for the health and quality of human life. The most frequent and rapid adulteration possibilities refer to mixing, in varying mass proportions, of wheat species, but also of wheat with other cereals.
Project manager: Oana Dumitru