IBA Bucuresti
Project "Valorification the food potential of selected agricultural crops (topinambur, sorghum seeds, waste resulting from cold pressed hemp seed oil)"
Project nr. PN-III – PROIECT COMPLEX - ctr.9 PCCDI/2018-2020: Complex system for the complete recovery of some agricultural species with energy and food potential - Project responsible no.4 "Valorification the food potential of selected agricultural crops (topinambur, sorghum seeds, waste resulting from cold pressed hemp seed oil)"
Program 1- Development of the national research-development system
Subprogram 1.2. - Institutional performance, Institutional development projects - Complex projects realized in the RDI consortia 2017 competition.
Project. PN-III – no. 9 PCCDI/2018-2020
Contracting authority: Ministry of Research and Innovation
Project completion period: 1.01.2016 – 10.12.2017
Budget: 640.760 lei
The objective of the project: Valorification the food potential of Jerusalem artichoke , sorghum seeds and the by-product resulting from obtaining cold pressed hemp seed oil by obtaining 4 products with functional potential: two bakery products with the addition of Jerusalem artichoke tubers and sorghum seeds, non-alcoholic beverage fermented symbiotic sorghum seeds and a dietary supplement obtained from Jerusalem artichoke leaves and by-produc resulting from hemp oil.
Specific objectives:
- State of the art on the subject of the project (at the national and international level);
- compositional characterization of raw materials for their use in obtaining food products with functional potential;
- developing recipes for obtaining the four types of products with functional potential in the laboratory phase;
- optimization of laboratory recipes for obtaining the four types of products with functional potential;
- Obtaining the enriched wheat flours and the four types of products with functional potential at pilot the pilot scale.
Project manager: Livia Apostol