IBA Bucuresti
Project "Analysis of the epistatic interactions that can be established between nutritional factors, pro-inflammatory status and metabolic dysfunctions (DZ2, obesity, metabolic syndrome)"
The Nucleus Program - Research on the identification and use of bioactive compounds that can improve the nutritional value of foods and of factors that can affect the integrity of foods - acronym NUTRISAN
Contract no. 29N/2016, Additional document nr. 2/2017
Contracting authority: Ministry of Research and Innovation
Project completion period: 15.03.2016-20.12.2017
Budget: 860.000 lei
The objective of the project: dietary reformulations to improve the metabolic functions of patients with metabolic dysfunction.
Specific objectives:
- increasing the understanding of the epistatic relationships that are established between nutritional, genetic, pro-inflammatory cytokines and metabolic dysfunctions;
- proposing nutritional reformulations with relevant effect on the biochemical and anthropometric particularities of patients with metabolic dysfunctions.
Project manager: Lavinia Mariana Berca