Institutul Național de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Bioresurse Alimentare-IBA București will organise the conference “Circularity and Resource Efficiency of Food Systems” which will be held on the 22nd of May 2019 at USAMV Bucharest.
The event will take place under the Romanian Presidency of the European Council auspices with the support of the Ministry of Research and Innovation, the Executive Unit for Financing Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation (UEFISCDI), the University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest and The Academy for Agriculture and Forestry Sciences “Gheorghe Ionescu-Șișești”.
At this conference, Minister of Ministry of Research and Innovation, President of the Romanian Academy for Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, high level reprezentatives of the Ministry of Agriculture will participate as well as high level researchers and other food chain stakeholders from Romania and other European Countries.
Our intention is to create a supportive environment for establishing new collaborations in the field of agri-food research that share the same ideas as the Food2030 Initiative. We would like to become a reference point in the development of agri-food research in Eastern Europe region and to strengthen collaboration at the level of this region and between this one and other European regions in order to build up an efficient and effective European food system.
The main aim of this event is to raise the awareness about sustainable production and consumption, to minimize the food waste and to transform agri-food by-products and rezidues into new raw materials for different purposes having an environmentally-friendly approach. This event would be an important landmark and would be part of the list of events with high visibility organized during the EU Presidency of Romania.
The Conference is accompanied by two international side events: Policy Lab workshop within Fit4Food2030 H2020 project on the 21st of May (event opened to the public) and the Governing Board Meeting of FACCE JPI on 23rd and 24th of May (event opened only for Governing Board members of FACCE JPI.
National Institute of Research and Development for Food Bioresources – IBA Bucharest is a public research organization, in coordination of the Ministry of Research and Innovation, with research activity in food and nutrition, food products and technologies development, as well as services in the field, including small scale production of personalized food. More details are here.
Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences "Gheorghe Ionescu-Şişeşti" (A.A.F.S.) is a public specialized institution, autonomous, of scientific coordination and academic acknowledgement, with legal personality, operating according to its own statute under the coordination of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development and collaborates with the Ministry of National Education (MNE). More details are here.
University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest – USAMV Bucharest, Faculty of Agriculture is the oldest and largest institution of higher agronomic education in Romania, founded in 1852, where the tradition and modernity successfully meet. USAMV belongs to the network of public higher education institutions recognized with the “High level of academic trust” award in 2010, which programmes of study are accredited/authorized. More details, including the map, are here.
Policy Lab (21 May) and The Conference “Circularity and Resource Efficiency of Food Systems” (22 May) organised by IBA Bucharest will be held at the University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest – USAMV Bucharest, Faculty of Biotechnology.
FACCE JPI Governing Board Meeting (23-24 May), open only for members, will be held at University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest – USAMV Bucharest, Faculty of Agriculture.
——————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Registration: There is no registration fee for this event. The deadline for registration is April 30, 2019. For registration, please fill in the REGISTRATION FORM We will contact you to confirm your registration in maximum 24 h. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————— AGENDA:- 21st of May - Policy Lab ( here)
- 22nd of May - Conference ( here)
- 23rd - 24th of May - FACCE JPI Governing Board meeting - members only (here)
Event's Flyer (here) ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————
Maria Vasile - FOOD 2030: a European vision for a global change
Liselotte de Vos - Flemish Policy Lab/ FIT4FOOD2030
Trond Einar Pedersen - Norway Policy Lab/ FIT4FOOD2030
Denisa Duta - Romania Policy Lab/ FIT4FOOD2030
Katherine Flynn - SAFE consortium in the circular bioeconomy
Natalia Brzezina - Strategic approach to EU agricultural research and innovation
Maria Vasile - FOOD 2030 driving food system transformation
Roberta Sonnino- Food, Circularity and Urban Metabolism
Jacqueline E. W. Broerse -
Fostering Innovation and Transformation of Food
Claudia Zoani - Metrology supporting the Agrifood System
Heather McKhann - Towards Sustainable Agriculture in a Changing Climate
Susanne Braun - The FOODforce Food System Approach
Marja-Liisa Meurice - Future-proofing the Food System
Kjell Ivarsson - The contribution of agricultural sector to a more circular and resource efficient agri-food system
UGAL - Whoopie Ice
Angel Martinez - Food Sector and Circular Economy in the Region of Murcia. CTC experience
Nastasia Belc - Food technologies and products developed in the context of Circular Economy
Policy Lab REPORT
Conference REPORT
Accommodation: Hotel accommodation has to be made and paid by all participants themselves. Please book your room at Golden Tulip Hotel
here – prices especially negotiated for the event (register no later than 30th of April)
Please book your room at Lido Hotel
here - prices especially negotiated for the event (register no later than 1st of May)
We recommend several hotels
here. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Useful information
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- Bucharest
- Public transport
The 780 Express line connects Bucharest Henri Coandă International Airport with the Gara de Nord (main railway station).
The 783 Express line connects Bucharest Henri Coandă International Airport with the city center. This line runs day and night. At night, the bus leaves every 40 minutes.
- Airport stops
- Card Desk
Taxi request is possible with touchscreen terminals placed inside the Airport Arrival Hall, close to the Exit. You find the taxi located outside and passengers will be picked-up by the order no. given by the touchscreen terminal.
Estimated price for a trip from Airport to the City Center is about 30-40 lei. If you need any help, please feel free to call us 004 0723 501 154, Cristina Stanciu
——————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Things to do in BucharestBucharest – dynamic and funny, was dubbed "Petit Paris" around 1900, not only for its elegant architecture, but also for the fact that locals greeted each other in French, wore the latest Paris fashions, and would frequently travel to and study in France’s capital.
For those interested to visit its main attractions, we have a Things to do in Bucharest list and below some good advice.
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