
Management strategy of contamination with deoxynivalenol and aflatoxins in the agrofood chain in the context of climate change expected for Romania


1st Mycokey International Conference ’’Global Mycotoxin Reduction in the Food and Feed Chain’’, 11‒14 September 2017, Ghent, BELGIUM.

(Poster) - in ,,De Saeger, S.; Logrieco, A. Report from the 1st MYCOKEY International Conference Global Mycotoxin Reduction in the Food and Feed Chain Held in Ghent, Belgium, 11–14 September 2017. Toxins 2017, 9, 276, . (p. 81–82). Toxins (IF 3.571, 2015).

Valeria Gagiu, Elena Mateescu, Enuta Iorga, Nastasia Belc.